My clients are adults of all genders and sexual orientation. Sex positive, I am knowledgeable and competent with LGBTQAI issues as well as non-heteronormative sexuality, including kink, BDSM, polyamory, and fetishes.
I have expertise and specialized training in treating alcohol and substance use disorders, sexual compulsivity, PTSD, depression, anxiety, and personality disorders. I utilize a varied range of treatment modalities, including EMDR. I have over a decade in the field as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and I'm a Certified Sex Addiction Therapist. I worked with the Fire Department of New York Counseling Service Unit, where I started the day before 9/11.
Many come to me with a history of secrecy and self-contempt, often feeling inadequate and "broken". Anxiety, depression, and confusion are stifling and overwhelming. I can help you decide what changes you want to make - sometimes these may be behaviors, other times, the way you think about them.
Since 1993
My Approach
As a therapist, I am in your life for a relatively small amount of time. I don't know you the way many others you choose to have in your life do. I don't presume to know what is best for you - it's tough enough knowing that for myself - and I certainly am not going to tell you what to do. I believe my role is to guide you through the fog that currently hinders your progress. I believe you know what is best for you, but that right now that knowledge isn't quite as easy to access as it has been before. I am here as your mirror to reflect what you are now, what you may have been, and what you have the potential to be.
The most frequent question I'm asked about being a therapist is how I can listen to people's problems all day; how does it not wear me down? People say this to me all the time, especially those who need to express their profound sadness or disappointment or apathy, yet feel they are burdensome. They say. "You must be sick listening to me", and I say, "No", and I mean it. You are sharing with me intimate parts of you that perhaps you have never even voiced to yourself. Every one of you is opening up a new world to me, inviting me in and trusting me with your most treasured possessions. You show me life in all its colors, good and bad, beautiful and damned. That is why I love being a psychotherapist. Truly, the whole of human life is here.

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